Public Function deinstall_sp(ByVal sp_objid As Long, ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal deinstall_date As String, _
ByVal use_remove As Boolean) As Integer
This API can be used to de-install a site part (and the sub-parts installed underneath it) from a site in Clarify. The objid of the site_part to be de-installed is specified, as well as the user performing the action, and the time of the action.
Parameter Name Required? Description
sp_objid Yes OBJID for the site_part to be de-installed
user_name No Who performed the de-install. If blank, the current user is used
deinstall_date No When was the de-installation. If blank, the current time is used
use_remove Yes Should we use the "Remove" (True) or the "De-installed" (False) activity
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 The specified site_part is not in the database
-2 The site_part is already de-installed
-3 The specified user is not found
-4 Cannot find the Removed/De-Installed activity string with rank = 9600/3800
· Joe deinstalled a site_part on March 15th at noon.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fcfo.deinstall_sp(268435444, "Joe", "3/15/98 12:00:00")
var ret_int = fcfo.deinstall_sp(268435444, "Joe", "3/15/98 12:00:00");
· The current user de-installs a site_part.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fcfo.deinstall_sp(268435457, "", "")
var ret_int = fcfo.deinstall_sp(268435457, "", "");